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Less STRESS in your day,

Less MESS in your home,

More TIME in your life.

Welcome to Mama Bear Organizing LC, Let me take the chaos out of your life and help you get organized. My professional organizing services can help you save time and money while creating a stress-free living space. Stop feeling overwhelmed and let me help you achieve the organized home you've been dreaming of.


Do I really need a Professional Organizer?


Are you embarrassed by clutter or mess in your home?

Frequently cannot find things you are looking for?

Have you tried to get organized on your own and it just doesn't stick or you get lost and overwhelmed by the process?

You don't know where to start?

You know you could do it yourself, but you just don't have enough time?

Struggle with health issues and need help?

You feel overwhelmed in your home instead of relaxed?

You joke about burning the house down and starting over?


If you said Yes to any of the above, working with a professional organizer might be EXACTLY what you need.

Let me help you!

As a Professional Organizer I will always take into account your thoughts, feelings and your budget. I want to help you and your family with what your specific struggles, needs and wants. My #1 goal is to help in a personalized and professional manner.

Meet the Kylee, Owner & Lead Organizer

Kylee is a military wife and a mother of two amazing kids. She created Mama Bear Organizing after being unexpectedly laid off from her job as a paralegal. During the same time she was laid off she was expecting her first child, as well as going through her first deployment experience with her husband. 

Kylee has always had a knack for organizing and has brought her skills into every line of work or activity she was in all throughout her life. When she lost her job that she thought was going to be her career- she saw it as the perfect opportunity to turn her passion for organizing into a career. 

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